Nutritional Therapy

While most patients come to the office specifically for musculoskeletal conditions, some patients seek more.  Nutritonal advice can always be incorporated in your treatment plan.  This can vary dependent on your needs.


Supplements can be great, most are not.  The majority of store bought, and even prescription, supplements offer little benefit.  Some can even do harm.  Over my career, I have put my trust primarily in two companies: Anabolic Laboratories and Biotics Research!


Want to lose some weight?  Want to clean out your body?  Be sure to talk to Dr K about it!

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver can be great, most is not.  This product can be controversial for those unfamiliar with it.  Colloidal silver is an anti-microbial solution that can be used for many ailments.  The problem's and controversy comes from how it is made.  You want true colloidal silver.  Anything else can be bad.  Most of what is in stores is not true colloidal silver.  We get our true colloidal silver made to order from a supplier in Texas.

CBD products

As treatment using marijuana has increased more recently, CBD products have gained in popularity.  Just like with the above products, you have to watch what you are paying for.  We use full spectrum CBD products that are distilled from hemp.  The company is TruestYou.  This is very different from normal CBD isolate oils.  We can supply actual oil, vapor pens, rubs, honey, gummies....AND we can even get you oil for your doggies!